Unholy Quotables

"With every question he asked, it became clearer that despite any declaration to the contrary, he viewed me as an adversary. Rather than seeking to elicit information, his questioning sought to elicit a conclusion that he had reached before the hearing began."

-Anita Hill (Congress's version of Matt Walsh) on Arlen Specter's questioning of her during the Clarence "is that a pubic hair in my Coke" Thomas

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Thoughts from the Saturday Night Victory Over the Jaguars

  • CBS' pre-game show had the greatest moment of unintentional comedy this season when J.B. asks Bill Cowher about Tony Romo's off-week trip to Mexico with Jessica Simpson. Cowher: "Well, guys got a chance to get off their feet, relax..." Dan Marino almost completely lost it and a minute later Cowher nearly did as well.
  • David Garrard is a very good quarterback. He makes great decisions, is extremely accurate, and his ability to escape the pocket was on display all night while still being able to make a good throw. If I were ranking QB's right now I might stick him at #4 behind Brady, Manning, and Favre, just ahead of Tony Romo. He's going to be really good if they get him some receivers.
  • It was a scoring play on the first drive of the first half. First half timeouts are almost always meaningless. Why not throw the flag? I've heard local guys say they thought it was a good idea not to throw the flag because it was so close but if you stop the replay when the shin is on the ground, he clearly still has the ball.
  • The defense was obviously set up to stop the run and they did an effective job of it. Of course the Jaguars had a great gameplan to throw the ball and ate up Randall Gay and Asante Samuel. Randall Gay showed why he's not a starter, but I can't blame Samuel on a couple of those routes he was beaten on because he had a big zone to manage and was almost never working on the guy who was being thrown the ball. Some bad tackling in the first half, but much better tackling in the second half. Still hate the forearm shiver as the method of tackling.
  • Evil Disrespectful Tom Brady was phenomenal. And I'd like to say that I predicted we'd see the "dink and dunk" offense for this game two weeks ago! My picks are awful, so I'm going to take full credit for this instead.
  • Jags' rookie cornerback Reggie Nelson on Brady's night: "anyone can go 26-28 in a dropdown game." Thanks for that sage wisdom Reggie. Welcome to the NFL and the future bulletin board of the Patriots.
  • It was great to see Laurence Maroney driving through people. I think that was the most reassuring part of watching his great night running the ball. I think that performance on offense gives next week's opponent even more to think about in picking their poison on which weapon they try to take away.
Of course I'll be rooting for the Chargers today to beat the Colts. The Colts have exactly what it takes to stay with the Patriots for all 60 minutes. A couple of things that make me feel better about possibly facing the Colts is that in their first meeting this year they had Dwight Freeney. Now they won't with him on the IR. The other is that the Patriots had 15 penalties in that game that were very costly and a few times kept alive drives that should have stopped. I'm willing to bet that won't happen again.


Anonymous said...

"It was a scoring play on the first drive of the first half. First half timeouts are almost always meaningless. Why not throw the flag? I've heard local guys say they thought it was a good idea not to throw the flag because it was so close but if you stop the replay when the shin is on the ground, he clearly still has the ball."

Coach had the flag out, they rushed the snap on the kick before he could throw it. Unless I'm thinking of a totally different play.

Anonymous said...

Ok, not only do the Pats get the Chargers, it could be the Chargers minus their starting QB and minus their All-Pro running back.

Clearly, God is a Patriot.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of haters - have you heard this Rob Parker punk on ESPN? Everything is hate towards Belicheck and all things Patriot. He's a miserable wretch.

John Cyr said...

You know, I had never heard of Rob Parker, so I had to go find out how that could possibly be. Then I found out that he writes for the Detroit News and is a regular on the Stephen A. Smith show. Yup, that explains that perfectly. His Wiki entry says that he called Hank Aaron a coward in one of his columns for failing to show up at Bonds' ceremony for breaking the record. This must be Scoop Jackson's hero and Jason Whitlock's nemesis.

Anonymous said...

He's the fool that's on opposite side of the table of skip the nit wit bayless on that big mouthed, surfacey idiot show "1st and 10" on ESPN.

Parker just said now as I'm watching, paraphrasing: The chargers need to go after Brady, and "I'm all for 15 yard penalties" - you need to take him down. I can't believe the morons that are paid for such verbal smut on TV. ESPN is starting to be "perezhilton - sports edition". Utter Crap.

Anonymous said...

Rob Parker also called Tiger Woods gutless or something yesterday also for not taking a big social temper tantrum stand on Kelly Tillman's strange remarks. Even though he already commented on it and knows Kelly quite well. I think ESPN recruits people with a room temperature IQ or less. The dumber the idiot reporter on TV the more outlandish and dumb ass the comments.

John Cyr said...

You're right, ESPN wants the controversial guys on the shows. They can distance themselves by saying that "____'s views do not represent those of ESPN" and hide beneath that.